IBNLP is not a certifying organisation, however IBNLP member trainers may issue IBNLP certificates as long as IBNLP quality criteria are met.
IBNLP membership requires that trainers meet the quality criteria as defined in the membership standards section of this website. This means that it is the member, not the course content, which is covered by IBNLP standards. An IBNLP member may therefore offer their own certification, backed by the IBNLP quality standards where that member can demonstrate that their training content and learner assessment meet a consistent standard.
Since there is no commonly used minimum course content or duration for NLP training, the IBNLP member must be responsible for ensuring minimum standards which are appropriate to the certification offered. A guide for Practitioner and Master Practitioner certification can be found below, which the trainer can add to as required for their application or market. Of course, where the trainer is creating their own training design to use NLP within another business application such as leadership, sales or communication skills training, there is no requirement for minimum content.
IBNLP certificates
For a IBNLP member trainer to issue certificates at any level of training bearing a IBNLP logo, the trainer must assure the following:
The training is conducted in accordance with a published course outline
The course outline includes the standard to which a student must demonstrate their capability in order to achieve certification
The training includes an explicit assessment, which may include written tests, project presentations, observed coaching sessions or continuous assessment
Students who do not demonstrate evidence of capability must not be certified, they must be given appropriate feedback and an opportunity for future reassessment
Fundamentally, the trainer must be able to demonstrate that the certificate is not given solely for course attendance, it is given in recognition of achievement of a published standard, so that the student understands the value of their achievement and the value and credibility of the IBNLP is upheld. Those standards are set at the trainer's discretion, published in advance to the students along with the course content, and students are made aware that certification is not automatic.
The certificate design is at the trainer's discretion. It must bear the IBNLP logo without alteration at a minimum size of 5cm width and with the text 'ibnlp.org'.
Minimum course content and duration
NLP Practitioner
Minimum duration: 60 hours plus 10 hours self study
Training can be delivered in person or online, or a combination of the two. 80% of the training time must allow real time interaction, group discussion and observation of individual students, 20% may be prerecorded theory. The number of students must be small enough for the trainer to observe each student and give developmental feedback.
(Minimum duration will increase by 2030 to a total of 120 hours, 60 taught plus 60 self study, to bring the IBNLP standards into alignment with those of the NLP Global Body which is currently in its early developmental stages)
Entry requirements: None
Ongoing CPD requirement: 6 hours per year
Mandatory assessment:
Continuous assessment through the training with ongoing developmental feedback
A minimum of 1 fully observed or 3 partly observed coaching/therapy sessions
Optional assessment:
A written test
Submission of a video recording of a coaching/therapy session
Perceptual systems and subjective reality
Presuppositions of NLP
Anchoring in at least 2 sensory systems
Swish in at least 2 sensory systems
Well Formed Outcomes
Rapport - managing the level to support the process of change
Pacing and Leading
Eye Accessing Cues
Strategies - simple strategy elicitation to inform technique choice
Collapsing anchors in at least 2 sensory systems
Perceptual positions
Meta mirror
Progressive dissociation reframing (Fast Phobia)
Six Step Reframe
Meta Model
Milton Model
NLP Master Practitioner
Minimum duration: 60 hours face to face plus 20 hours self study
Training can be delivered in person or online, or a combination of the two. 80% of the training time must allow real time interaction, group discussion and observation of individual students, 20% may be prerecorded theory. The number of students must be small enough for the trainer to observe each student and give developmental feedback.
(Minimum duration will increase by 2030 to a total of 120 hours, 60 taught plus 60 self study, to bring the IBNLP standards into alignment with those of the NLP Global Body which is currently in its early developmental stages)
Ongoing CPD requirement: 8 hours per year plus one presentation of modelling in a published article or at a conference, webinar or similar
Mandatory assessment:
Continuous assessment through the training with ongoing developmental feedback
A minimum of 3 modelling interviews for a talent of the student's choice
Design of a custom intervention based on the modelling interviews
An observed custom installation demonstration to one or more other students
Optional assessment:
A written test
Submission of a video recording of a coaching/therapy session
Submission of a modelling project
Simulation Theory of Mind Reading
Basic neuroscience principles including Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity, the role of the hippocampus, the role of Dopamine, Seratonin and Oxytocin, and how all of this relates to NLP and personal change
Advanced strategy elicitation in real time conversation
Modelling principles
Problems and talents as interchangeable processes, depending on context
Surface v deep structure
Eye Accessing - advanced detection and utilisation in real time
Anchoring - advanced utilisation in real time to trigger behavioural programs
Stimulus Response
Complex strategies
Meta Model - thorough structural and practical understanding with conversational use
Milton Model - thorough structural and practical understanding with conversational use
Rules, Beliefs, Strategies
Hesitation, Deviation, Repetition
Tracking behavioural programs in real time
Creating custom interventions
Well Formed Outcomes as a direction
Testing and comparisons
Systemic change processes, prediction and management of systemic resistance to change
Conversational change
Linguistic analogues of NLP techniques
Management of the client interaction and the process of change
Application of modelling to create customised change and learning processes
Application of modelling to acquire and transfer behavioural skills
A systemic approach to the generative change process
Minimum duration: 100 hours face to face plus 50 hours self study
Training can be delivered in person or online, or a combination of the two. 80% of the training time must allow real time interaction, group discussion and observation of individual students, 20% may be prerecorded theory. The number of students must be small enough for the trainer to observe each student and give developmental feedback.
Entry requirements: NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner certification
Ongoing CPD requirement: 10 hours per year plus one presentation of research at a conference, webinar or similar
Mandatory assessment:
Continuous assessment through the training with ongoing developmental feedback
Submission of a training plan
Demonstration of a live training session or submission of a video recording of a training session where live attendance is not possible
Training observation to include:
Training plan
Pre-course setup
Opening framing
Closing the session
Evaluation - how you know that you achieved your intentions and delivered your plan
Evaluation - against NLP Trainer criteria
Optional assessment:
A written test
NLP Trainer certification is a two stage process. Upon completing the training and meeting the NLP Trainer evaluation criteria, the student is certified as a Trainer Associate, able to run NLP Practitioner training under the supervision of their Trainer. At this stage first, the Trainer Associate cannot sign certificates and student assessment will take place together with their Trainer who will be responsible for student evaluation and for signing certificates. Following successful ongoing evaluation, experience as an assistant on a complete Practitioner and Master Practitioner program and the delivery of 100 hours of Practitioner level training, The student receives full NLP Trainer certification.
Thorough understanding of the content and structure of NLP Practitioner techniques
Able to improvise and adapt Practitioner techniques to deliver consistent outcomes
Demonstrate Master Practitioner skills and modelling in practice
Thorough understanding of the neuroscience of learning including Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory
Thorough understanding of the neuro-psychological process of sensory experience and its implications in learning
Understand the neuroscience of gapped learning
Understanding of the difference between teaching a destination and teaching a route
Active management of group rapport
Framing to create and maintain the learning environment
Purposeful multi-level communication
Create purposeful contrasts to generate learning opportunity
The use of isomorphic metaphors to enhance learning
Real time identification of learning patterns and their associated 'barriers to learning'
Real time reframing of barriers to learning
Identification and early conversational intervention in individual learning patterns and barriers
Pacing and leading for a whole group
Demonstrate integration of the presuppositions of NLP both inside and outside of the classroom
Demonstrate a generative and systemic approach to group learning and change
Deliver technique demonstrations that lead to consistent learning and assessment of students
Maintain a resourceful state and approach to the overall learning experience
Track learning processes in real time and adjust to the student's current learning focus
Identify and integrate both simultaneous and sequential incongruities
Maintain an effective balance between novelty and insecurity to create an accelerated yet safe learning process
Identify the patterns of Practitioner and Master Practitioner techniques in real time in order to give feedback to students
Translate learning content between multiple forms of structure, including different representational systems, activities and metaphors
Maintain behavioural flexibility and navigate around any obstacle to the learning process
Real time utilisation skills including modellin, rapport-building, anchoring, meta model, Milton model
Identify learning and behavioural processes in real time and offer commentary to support learning
Pace and lead in all representational systems
Utilise the criteria of Well Formed Outcomes in every aspect of the learning process and environment
Redirect judgemental observations from students in order to build more effective cause & effect connections
Create and conduct effective evaluations with objective, supportive, positive and developmental feedback
Manage the logistics and facilities of the learning environment
Communicate with students before, during and after the classroom training in order to create larger frames of learning
Utilise student's life experiences in the learning process
Understand your own programs, patterns, judgements and biases and their impact on the learning experience for students
Maintain a learning mindset - know how to learn, not how to do
Purposefully create a training performance which is appropriate to the context and your learners
Understand the differences and relative merits of classroom and distance learning and adapt learning delivery and methods accordingly
Conduct both ongoing and formal student assessment and evaluation
Objectively and equally apply the certification criteria to all students
Offer developmental feedback and re-assessment opportunities to students who did not meet the certification criteria
Seek feedback to continually improve your training practice
Seek peer review through networking, conferences, supervision or other similar group learning activities
Actively engage in Continuing Professional Development
Contribute to the body of knowledge of NLP through tutorials, videos, articles, books, research, projects, practice groups or other similar events